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About the Artists
Our vibrant and dynamic artists are from the Utopia region; a large remote area of Central Australia which, until recently, had no government funded art centre. As a result of their pioneering efforts, they have one of the strongest and richest art histories.
About the Artists
Our vibrant and dynamic artists are from the Utopia region; a large remote area of Central Australia which, until recently, had no government funded art centre. As a result of their pioneering efforts, they have one of the strongest and richest art histories.
Let's start with the bedroom. It takes courage to paint the walls of a bedroom in a deep shade, but it’s the way to go if you see your bedroom as a retreat from the world. Dark walls can make it wonderfully cave-like.
It doesn't matter what your preferred style is. By keeping mirrors to a minimum, maximising mood lighting and incorporating a variety of textures, your bedroom could be a deeply relaxing place to end the day and welcome a good night’s sleep.
Whether you want to create a timeless space, make a statement or lift a dreary space, we've got an artwork for you.
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