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About the Artists
Our vibrant and dynamic artists are from the Utopia region; a large remote area of Central Australia which, until recently, had no government funded art centre. As a result of their pioneering efforts, they have one of the strongest and richest art histories.
About the Artists
Our vibrant and dynamic artists are from the Utopia region; a large remote area of Central Australia which, until recently, had no government funded art centre. As a result of their pioneering efforts, they have one of the strongest and richest art histories.
Artist: Julie Pengarte
Skin name: Pengarte
Language group: Anmatyerre
Country: Bushy Park
Region: Utopia, Central Australia
Born: c. 1970
Julie Pengarte is an Anmatyerre woman living in the Utopia region with her mother Rosie Pwerle and other immediate family.
Her father’s country, and the country she associates with, lies between Ti-Tree and Woola Downs, south west of Utopia. The Honey Ant Dreaming is associated with this area and Julie predominately portrays elements of this story in her artwork.
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Julie Pengarte's Honey Ant Story
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